Google Summer of Code

The Kubeflow community is delighted to be part of Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2020. Community mentors look forward to working with students on their GSoC projects.
Top links:
Information for students
The GSoC student application phase is now closed and student selection is in progress. See the GSoC timeline.
You’re still welcome to explore Kubeflow. Kubeflow welcomes contributions at any time, whether within or outside the framework of GSoC. See the community page for Slack channels, mailing lists, meetings, and other ways to connect with the Kubeflow community.
For more information about GSoC, see the GSoC docs and guides.
Information for mentors
Thanks to all mentors who’re interested in helping a GSoC student with their Kubeflow project.
To get started:
- Read the Google Summer of Code mentor guide and the roles and responsibilities to understand what is expected of you over the next 6 months.
- Bookmark the GSoC timeline and be prepared to take action in time for the milestones shown on the timeline, and to help your students meet the deadlines.
- Watch the 5 minute YouTube video: Being a Great GSoC Mentor. The video was shot with GSoC veteran org admins and mentors. It contains helpful information about the program and how to participate successfully at each step in GSoC.
- If you’re not registered as a mentor, email to indicate your interest in mentoring a student during GSoC.
- When you receive an invitation, follow the link in the email to register on the GSoC program site.
- Examine the student proposals. Click want to mentor on the proposals that you’d like to mentor.
Start chatting to students:
- Join the #gsoc channel on Kubeflow Slack and answer students' questions.
- Respond to students' questions on the Kubeflow mentors mailing list
For more information about GSoC, see the GSoC docs and guides.
Mailing lists
These are the Kubeflow mailing lists related to GSoC:
- The mentor mailing list for Kubeflow GSoC projects. Students can email this group to receive feedback on project proposals. Mentors and org administrators can use this group to discuss Kubeflow GSoC matters. Group members are Kubeflow GSoC mentors and org administrators. Messages are visible to sender, CCs, and group members.
- The organization administrator mailing list for Kubeflow’s participation in GSoC. Students and mentors can email this group to raise Kubeflow GSoC matters with the administrators. Group members are Kubeflow GSoC org administrators only. Messages are visible to sender, CCs, and group members.
- kubeflow-discuss: Kubeflow’s primarily mailing list and discussion group. See the community page for more information.
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